Category: Web development
Remove WordPress users via WP CLI
Remove users with customer role:
# Delete user 123 and reassign posts to user 567 $ wp user delete 123 --reassign=567 --yes Success: Removed user 123 from # Delete all contributors and reassign their posts to user 2 $ wp user delete $(wp user list --role=customer --field=ID) --reassign=2 --yes Success: Removed user 813 from Success: Removed user 578 from # Delete all contributors in batches of 100 (avoid error: argument list too long: wp) $ wp user delete $(wp user list --role=customer --field=ID | head -n 100) --reassign=567 --yes
Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached
The meaning of this error is that the number of files monitored by the system has reached the limit!!
Result: The command executed failed! Or throw a warning (such as executing a react-native start VSCode)
Modify the number of system monitoring files
sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf
Add a line at the bottom
Then save and exit!
sudo sysctl -p
to check it
Then it is solved!
Gutenberg attributes to console
Log attributes to console using the following: 'core/block-editor' ).getSelectedBlock().attributes;
JavaScript email validation
var emailreg = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,10})$/; if( emailreg.test( 'value_to_test_against' ) == false ) { //Email invalid }
Js/jQuery email validation
Using regular expressions
let email = jQuery('.nl-sub-email'); let emailReg = /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,10})$/; let errors = 0; if( ! email.val() || emailReg.test( email.val() ) == false ) { email.css('border', '1px solid red'); email.focus(); errors = 1; } else { email.css('border', '1px solid transparent'); errors = 0; }
Preloader CSS
Animation required:
@keyframes lds-dual-ring { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } }
Practical example
button::after { content: ""; display: inline-block; width: 18px; height: 18px; margin: 0 0 0 8px; border-radius: 50%; border: 3px solid white; border-color: white transparent white transparent; animation: lds-dual-ring 1.2s linear infinite; }
When PHP html_entity_decode() function fails
Use this:
function replace_tags( $text ) {
$replace = array( '%20' => ' ', '+' => ' ', '%7F' => ' ', '%81' => ' ', '%C5%8D' => ' ', '%8F' => ' ', '%C2%90' => ' ', '%9D' => ' ', '%C2%A0' => ' ', '%C2%AD' => ' ', '%21' => '!', '%22' => '"', '%23' => '#', '%24' => '$', '%25' => '%', '%26' => '&', '%27' => "'", '%28' => '(', '%29' => ')', '%2A' => '*', '%2B' => '+', '%2C' => ',', '%2D' => '-', '%2E' => '.', '%2F' => '/', '%30' => '0', '%31' => '1', '%32' => '2', '%33' => '3', '%34' => '4', '%35' => '5', '%36' => '6', '%37' => '7', '%38' => '8', '%39' => '9', '%3A' => ':', '%3B' => ';', '%3C' => '<', '%3D' => '=', '%3E' => '>', '%3F' => '?', '%40' => '@', '%41' => 'A', '%42' => 'B', '%43' => 'C', '%44' => 'D', '%45' => 'E', '%46' => 'F', '%47' => 'G', '%48' => 'H', '%49' => 'I', '%4A' => 'J', '%4B' => 'K', '%4C' => 'L', '%4D' => 'M', '%4E' => 'N', '%4F' => 'O', '%50' => 'P', '%51' => 'Q', '%52' => 'R', '%53' => 'S', '%54' => 'T', '%55' => 'U', '%56' => 'V', '%57' => 'W', '%58' => 'X', '%59' => 'Y', '%5A' => 'Z', '%5B' => '[', '%5C' => '\\', '%5D' => ']', '%5E' => '^', '%5F' => '_', '%60' => '`', '%61' => 'a', '%62' => 'b', '%63' => 'c', '%64' => 'd', '%65' => 'e', '%66' => 'f', '%67' => 'g', '%68' => 'h', '%69' => 'i', '%6A' => 'j', '%6B' => 'k', '%6C' => 'l', '%6D' => 'm', '%6E' => 'n', '%6F' => 'o', '%70' => 'p', '%71' => 'q', '%72' => 'r', '%73' => 's', '%74' => 't', '%75' => 'u', '%76' => 'v', '%77' => 'w', '%78' => 'x', '%79' => 'y', '%7A' => 'z', '%7B' => '{', '%7C' => '|', '%7D' => '}', '%7E' => '~', '%E2%82%AC' => '€', '%E2%80%9A' => ',', '%C6%92' => 'ƒ', '%E2%80%9E' => '„', '%E2%80%A6' => '...', '%E2%80%A0' => '†', '%E2%80%A1' => '‡', '%CB%86' => '^', '%E2%80%B0' => '‰', '%C5%A0' => 'Š', '%E2%80%B9' => '‹', '%C5%92' => 'Œ', '%C5%BD' => 'Ž', '%E2%80%98' => '‘', '%E2%80%99' => '’', '%E2%80%9C' => '“', '%E2%80%9D' => '”', '%E2%80%A2' => '•', '%E2%80%93' => '-', '%E2%80%94' => '-', '%CB%9C' => '~', '%E2%84' => '™', '%C5%A1' => 'š', '%E2%80' => '›', '%C5%93' => 'œ', '%C5%BE' => 'ž', '%C5%B8' => 'Ÿ', '%C2%A1' => '¡', '%C2%A2' => '¢', '%C2%A3' => '£', '%C2%A4' => '¤', '%C2%A5' => '¥', '%C2%A6' => '¦', '%C2%A7' => '§', '%C2%A8' => '¨', '%C2%A9' => '©', '%C2%AA' => 'a', '%C2%AB' => '«', '%C2%AC' => '¬', '%C2%AE' => '®', '%C2%AF' => '¯', '%C2%B0' => '°', '%C2%B1' => '±', '%C2%B2' => '2', '%C2%B3' => '3', '%C2%B4' => '´', '%C2%B5' => 'µ', '%C2%B6' => '¶', '%C2%B7' => '·', '%C2%B8' => '¸', '%C2%B9' => '1', '%C2%BA' => '0', '%C2%BB' => '»', '%C2%BC' => '¼', '%C2%BD' => '½', '%C2%BE' => '¾', '%C2%BF' => '¿', '%C3%80' => 'À', '%C3%81' => 'Á', '%C3%82' => 'Â', '%C3%83' => 'Ã', '%C3%84' => 'Ä', '%C3%85' => 'Å', '%C3%86' => 'Æ', '%C3%87' => 'Ç', '%C3%88' => 'È', '%C3%89' => 'É', '%C3%8A' => 'Ê', '%C3%8B' => 'Ë', '%C3%8C' => 'Ì', '%C3%8D' => 'Í', '%C3%8E' => 'Î', '%C3%8F' => 'Ï', '%C3%90' => 'Ð', '%C3%91' => 'Ñ', '%C3%92' => 'Ò', '%C3%93' => 'Ó', '%C3%94' => 'Ô', '%C3%95' => 'Õ', '%C3%96' => 'Ö', '%C3%97' => 'x', '%C3%98' => 'Ø', '%C3%99' => 'Ù', '%C3%9A' => 'Ú', '%C3%9B' => 'Û', '%C3%9C' => 'Ü', '%C3%9D' => 'Ý', '%C3%9E' => 'Þ', '%C3%9F' => 'ß', '%C3%A0' => 'à', '%C3%A1' => 'á', '%C3%A2' => 'â', '%C3%A3' => 'ã', '%C3%A4' => 'ä', '%C3%A5' => 'å', '%C3%A6' => 'æ', '%C3%A7' => 'ç', '%C3%A8' => 'è', '%C3%A9' => 'é', '%C3%AA' => 'ê', '%C3%AB' => 'ë', '%C3%AC' => 'ì', '%C3%AD' => 'í', '%C3%AE' => 'î', '%C3%AF' => 'ï', '%C3%B0' => 'ð', '%C3%B1' => 'ñ', '%C3%B2' => 'ò', '%C3%B3' => 'ó', '%C3%B4' => 'ô', '%C3%B5' => 'õ', '%C3%B6' => 'ö', '%C3%B7' => '÷', '%C3%B8' => 'ø', '%C3%B9' => 'ù', '%C3%BA' => 'ú', '%C3%BB' => 'û', '%C3%BC' => 'ü', '%C3%BD' => 'ý', '%C3%BE' => 'þ', '%C3%BF' => 'ÿ' ); foreach( $replace as $what => $with ) { $text = str_replace( $what, $with, $text ); } return $text; }
SASS syntax
Basic watch
sass --watch a.scss:a.css
Watch and output minified
sass --watch a.scss:a.css --style compressed
Remove source map
sass --no-source-map --watch style.scss:style.css